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Health-seeking visitors have been attracted by the thermal springs of this region for more than four centuries, while today Terme Olimia represents a favourite destination for those who want more than simple beneficial effects of the thermal water. Thermal water as a natural remedy treats very successfully rheumatic diseases of the locomotor system, skin diseases, arterial circulation disorders, conditions after surgeries, and injuries of bones and muscles and the peripheral nervous system.

In 1966 Atomske Toplice was officially opened and today we are witnessing an extremely successful development of medical tourism, which attracts, with its comprehensive tourist offer in the field of health, wellness, accommodation facilities, pool complexes, gastronomic offer, and attractive location, visitors from all over the world.

Terme Olimia took its name from the medieval monastery in Olimje, which is located in the immediate vicinity of the spa. Programmes based on individual wishes and needs, a comprehensive wellness offer with modern and biggest sauna world, excellent beauty services, challenges for adrenaline water adventures, and recreation opportunities form a mosaic of a regenerated life.

Vodni vrelci so v te kraje že pred štirimi stoletji privabljali zdravja željne obiskovalce, danes pa so Terme Olimia priljubljen cilj tudi za tiste, ki si želijo več kot le blagodejnih učinkov termalne vode. Termalna voda kot naravno zdravilno sredstvo zelo uspešno zdravi revmatična obolenja lokomotornega sistema, kožne bolezni, arterijske obtočne motnje, stanja po operativnih posegih in poškodbah kosti in mišic ter perifernega živčevja.

V letu 1966 so Atomske toplice tudi uradno odprli in danes smo priča izredno uspešnemu razvoju zdraviliškega turizma, ki s svojo celovito turistično ponudbo na področju zdravstva, wellnessa, nastanitvenih kapacitet, bazenskih kompleksov, gostinske ponudbe in privlačne lege privabljajo goste iz vseh delov sveta.

Terme Olimia so svoje ime dobile po srednjeveškem samostanu v Olimju, ki se nahaja v neposredni bližini term. Programi za posameznikove želje in potrebe, celovita wellness ponudba z najsodobnejšim in največjim svetom savn, odlične storitve za lepoto, izzivi za adrenalinska vodna doživetja in možnosti rekreacije sestavljajo mozaik prerojenega življenja.
