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Career in Lithuania

Data dell’evento:
05 Maggio 2021
Tipo di evento:
Stato di registrazione:

Information for Exhibitors

Thank you for registering to take part in our  Career in Lithuania Job Day taking place on May 5th.

In order to make the best of your participation, we now advise you to:

  • Improve / update your company profile

This profile is your public introduction to potential applicants, what your main activities and projects are, and should reflect what your organisation expects from them in terms of values and HR policy.

In order to reach out to jobseekers all over Europe, we strongly advise you to add at least a small introduction in English (if this is the company’s working language).

If you haven’t done so yet, you should as well add your logo, your website and social media accounts.

We also recommend you to add an introductory video (if you have one available on Youtube or Vimeo) in order to make the profile more appealing. 

  • Add company Skype ID

In order to participate in one-to-one explanatory chats and/or calls during a live online event using Skype, you need to have a valid Skype account (not Skype for Business!) and provide a Skype ID in your profile. (We suggest to have one Skype account dedicated for E(O)JD events only).To do so please update your profile settings under "EDIT MY ORGANISATION" in the Dashboard menu.

Once Skype ID is provided, your profile will be listed under the "CHAT WITH EXHIBITORS" section on the event day. Please remember to be logged in to the Skype account so that jobseekers can reach you during a live online event. For more deatils please go to online chat access on your dashboard menu.

Please note that one single Skype ID can be assigned to one company profile.

  • Make sure all your vacancies are published well in advance

When drafting the job profiles, pay attention, not only to profile and skills requirements, but also to working conditions offered (including potential supports to relocation and accommodation, and/or others). This info is very important if you also want to attract jobseekers from other countries.

If jobseekers apply for your vacancies in advance you can pre-select a few for interviews and schedule your event day better. It will also allow candidates to be better prepared when chatting with you on the day.

Please check out our video tutorials to find out how to publish your vacanciespre-select applicants and schedule interviews.

  • Get prepared to counduct job interviews

When the event is live and a job interview has been successfully scheduled, you will find your interview agenda in the Dashboard under the "JOB APPLICATIONS / INTERVIEWS" section.

To start an interview, simply go to your dashboard and click on "Start video chat" when the interview is due.

Default audio-video chat tool will allow you to connect jobseekers without the need of any external logins.

(Please note that the the candidates can also indicate a range of other communication tools such as Skype, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger to be used during an online job interview. When available, you will be able to browse and copy the ID linked to communication tools indicated by the jobseeker and use them externally. At the very least, the traditional email and / or phone system can be used).

  • Still having questions?

If you have any doubts, please send us your questions using the contact form or contact us:

Daiva Kniežienė, tel. +370 658 24243, Email:

Goda Maciulevičienė, tel. +370 658 25939, Email:

We look forward to welcoming you online on May 5th, on the European Job Days platform and wish you a very successful event!