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EURES Nordic - Baltic Job Day Madrid 2017

Дата на събитието:
25 October 2017
Вид на събитието:
Онлайн / На място
Място на събитието:
Centro de Formación Santamarca SEPE Madrid, C/Costa Rica, 30. 28016 Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Статус на регистрацията:
Допълнителна информация

За събитието

Are you a Scandinavian or Baltic employer looking for qualified professionals?

Spain is the perfect place to start your search. The Spanish labour market contains a large number of qualified professionals in fields such as engineering, health care (doctors and nurses) IT, biotech, aviation and hospitality.

Our EURES Nordic - Baltic Job Day offers the perfect opportunity to contact and interview Spanish professionals in these sectors, all of whom are interested in working abroad.

Some companies in your region have already successfully taken on workers such as these with the support of EURES.

Interested? We will be delighted to support you in your search for the professionals you need.

Si eres un/a profesional de los sectores de ingeniería, salud, IT, biotech, líneas aéreas o restauración y te interesa conocer las oportunidades de empleo que ofrecen los países escandinavos y bálticos … en nuestro EURES Nordic - Baltic Job Day encontrarás:

  • Información sobre los mercados de trabajo de Noruega, Dinamarca, Suecia, Finlandia, Letonia, Lituania y Estonia
  • Ofertas de empleo y procesos de selección
  • Orientación para tu búsqueda de empleo: modelos de CV, recursos …

Si no le tienes miedo al frío te esperamos el 25 de Octubre en Madrid.